Sunday, September 27, 2009

~10 Thoughts~

I saw these 10 thoughts from the latest issue of body + soul on My Sweet Savannah blog and thought I would share them here ~

1) For the healthiest food, eat close to the source.

2) Stay tuned in to emotions. They connect you to the moment.

3) When you feel at ease with yourself, you become truly free.

4) Stop talking yourself out of the life you want most.

5) Style has less to do with what you wear and more to do with who you are.

6) Experience the power of pure silence.

7) Every moment of suffering brings an opportunity to build resilience.

8) Don't let fear of the unknown hold you back from making a change.

9) Fall represents a return to roots. Let yourself rest and replenish.

10) Happiness doesn't just happen; it emerges.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

The Snowman Has Landed

I'm so excited ~ my Christmas Country Sampler came today ! My house is featured in this issue and I was hoping so much that it would come today and it did! The title of the article is The Snowman Has Landed which I think is pretty cute :-)I emailed Karen at My Colonial Home earlier this morning before my issue arrived to find out the title since she got hers in the mail yesterday. Thanks for telling me the title Karen( I was dying to know!)! It was driving me crazy knowing that a few other people already had the issue and I didn't! I couldn't stand it , so thank goodness it came today. I feel so honored to have my house in this awesome magazine. It was such a fun experience and a dream come true. Thank you so much Country Sampler!
Here are a few sneak peek pics from the article~
Have a wonderful day!

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Only 68 More Days!!!!

Only 68 more days until New Moon movie day! Click here or click the picture to see the newest trailer! All I can say is WOW!!!!!!

Friday, September 4, 2009

Happy Birthday Paige!

Happy 13th Birthday to Paige! She is such a beautiful, smart, hardworking girl! I'm so lucky to have such a wonderful daughter. She is not only a great daughter, but a wonderful, kind, friend with a great sense of humor. I love that she tags along with me pretty much wherever I go~ shopping, concerts, movies, pretty much everywhere. She works so hard at Tae Kwondo and gymnastics and at everything she does ~ a very motivated , self disciplined , strong girl. I hope you have a wonderful day Paige!
Little Irish Dancer~
Doug Wilson signing her dress~


Good Friends~
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