Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Happy St. Patrick's Day and some GW Finds

Happy St. Patrick's Day! We used to have fun going to dance p
erformances and parades around St. Patrick's Day when Paige was Irish dancing. I love to watch Irish dancers!There is a show in Branson called Spirit of the Dance that we have gone to about three times. If your ever in Branson and need to pick a show I recommend that one! I used to scrapbook and I always liked how this page turned out that I did for Paige's Irish dance, so I thought I'd share it. I haven't scrapbooked in about 4 years. Don't know if I'll ever start up again or not, but I love going back and looking through all the albums I did.

After I exercised yesterday I stopped over at Goodwill to see if there was anything new. I found this little white crock and it fits perfect in this display that I came up with a couple days ago.
I found these crates and the matching candlestick to the one I got the other day. I will paint the crates and either use use them outside with pots of flowers or maybe in the house, not sure yet.
Last I got this spoon rack. I have no spoons for it so I hung some drieds. It was already black, so I just sanded some edges and stained it.I filled the bottom cubby with a jar of bay Leaves, old soaps, and some grungy candles. I love how it turned out, but not completely sure if I will keep this or sell it. Should I keep it? I don't know if I like it where I hung it, but I don't have many spots left to hang things. So anyway,yesterday was a good Goodwill day! Have a nice Tuesday!


Kindra-At Home With K said...

Great GW finds! I never have much luck going there these days. Always picked over or very high priced. Here in Lincoln anyways.

Love how you have the spoon holder displayed. You always have a knack at decorating!!

Unknown said...

Wow! Great finds! Love your displays!

Janene said...

You need to come over to my house and fix my spoon holder!
I need something besides drieds (which I am having a horrible time finding!)
I may just have to steal your decoarting idea with the candles and prim jar!
I am in love with your crock! What a great find!

Never So Simple said...

I love it. I wish I could find a spoon holder that's smaller. I have my girls baby spoons and would love to display them. I'm going to have to start checking out the TS. I can not wait to see what you do with those crates.


Anonymous said...

wow.. great finds.. I love them all and I absolutely love what you did with the spoonrack. Very creative. You are an inspiration!

Happy St. Paddy's Day,

Tammy said...

Oh my gosh, what great finds. I never find anything like that. Cant wait to see the crates all finished. Love the spoon rack. Great job. The crock does fit perfectly. Great shopping.

Tami said...

Happy St. Patrick's Day!!
Great scrapbook pages. Love the repurposing of the spoon rack...cute!!

Have a great green day!!!
Hugs~ T

Mandy said...

I love your displays! I'm fairly new to primitive decorating so I appreciate all the inspiration you and Linda provide!

Have a great day!

Lisa said...

I use to love scrapbooking, but now I don't have the time with my little one and my very bad addiction to painting and primming (lol). Your GW finds are quite nice. Can't wait to see what you dow tih crates and I love the sppon holder. Very nice!!

simple~needs said...

i think it looks great!! i love the drieds and other goodies you added. i wish i could find one to redo.

Sandy said...

I love your GW finds and that spoon rack is just so prim. I say keep it, it looks great where you displayed it. I also love your crock...wish I could be so lucky to find one or two or...LOL

I see you boxes all displayed so nicely from Kindra. Everything looks so great :)

basketsnprims said...

Great finds, Janae! Happy St. Patty's Day.

Something Nice and Pretty said...

What a great post Janae! Love the scrapbooking picture and I wonder what you will do with the crates! A really great find with the crocks! I'm on a lookout for a spoonrack hope I find one as nice as yours:)

Angela DeRossett said...

I went there on Saturday..I saw that spoon rack--clever idea!

{lauren} said...

I love all of your GW finds! I've been wanting a spoon rack...I think yours turned out really great:) Love those scrapbooking pages too...I haven't done any in about 2 years, but I used to love it. I still have unfinished projects I need to do...like our wedding and honeymoon albums. Maybe someday I'll pull them out and finish. Anyway..hope you have a great St. Patrick's Day!! :)

A Bit of Colour said...

Oh you found some great finds. I think the spoon rack looks good!

carolyn@simple~primitive~devotion said...

Nice finds! I love the spoon rack. I keep looking for one, but no such luck yet. No that I need one, as I too am running out of space to pout anything! But I sure do like how they look. And anytime I find a crock, I get it if I can afford it.
Have a great day!

everyday mom of one said...

If you sell the spoon rack let me know. It is really pretty and I need a new one.

Morning Glory Coffee Break said...

hi. Happy St. Patricks day to you. I love the blog and am going to your pampered chef page to look around. also love your GW finds.and all the pics posted. Have a blessed day. Hugs

Holly Hills Primitives said...

I always love to check out your blog. Great inspiration. Can't wait to see what you do with the crates. Happy St. Pat's! Dawn

Colleen/And Baby Makes Five said...

What beautiful treasures and displays, Janae! I wish our GW had some diamonds-in-the-rough like that.

And I'm with you -- Irish dancing is such fun to watch. My dad is a Dubliner and so we take our heritage to heart.

Happy St. Patty's Day!

Joy ~ Doodlebug ~ said...

I love your GW stuff! We went to GW today too. I got some books and mom got some needs-redo stuff.

Love the scrapbook page! I always thought Irish Dancing was cool.

Love, Joy

Tammy ~ Country Girl at Home ~ said...


You had a really good day at GW! I do love the spoon rack and how you displayed the drieds! I think it looks good there, but if you're like me, if you leave it there and walk by long enough, you'll know what you want to do!

Paige is so cute in her Irish dance attire and I know I would LOVE to watch that! I love to watch dancing! I'll remember that show when we make it to Branson.

Have a great evening,

Shakerwood said...

The displays look great. I really like the one with the crock and the light. I'm like you, running out of places to hang things. I spent so much time arranging things, I don't want to undo what I have already done but want to keep adding!! What are we to do? LOL Bigger house?

Tins and Treasures said...

You have a good eye for picking out the best stuff. Thanks for sharing the photos...Happy Spring ~Natalie

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