Thursday, January 7, 2010

A Freeeezing Cold Day

Today was a freeeezing cold, windy, snowy day here in St. Louis. Too cold to go out in my opinion. So what do we do on a day stuck inside? Well it started off watching the St.Louis news channels overreact about the weather all morning, kinda funny. Here's what else we did all day~

Paige and I played our new Twilight game we got for Christmas. It was really fun and I won every time, yes I did :-) Then she played by herself once, so that she could win Hahaha !
Then of course we drank some coffee~

We ate plenty of homemade chicken vegetable soup that my mom made. It was so yummy and perfect for this day.

We all were on Facebook way too much today( like we aren't always on Facebook way too much!)
Then I started playing around in my room and took my new frame off the wall and started a new display with it that is not finished yet. I want to find some real looking Hydrangeas soon to put in this crock and then I will hang this frame here with another smaller frame inside of it. Who knows I may change my mind and move it again. So that is what we've done to keep ourselves busy today. Hope you all are staying warm ! Have a great evening !


Debbie said...

It was cold down south of you too! :) I didn't realize they had a Twilight game! I may have to watch out for it though I would have to play by myself. lol

Stay warm,

ps... I sent you a friend request on FB.

everyday mom of one said...

I saw some pretty ones in Garden Ridge and also Hobby Lobby has really nice florals.

My Colonial Home said...

What a fun day you had!
How cozy it all sounded and your pictures made it all come to life.
Hugs and Happy New Year!

Holli~Where The Rooster Crows said...

Sounds like a great way to spend a cold day to me!! I havent read or seen Twilight but I did give my neice the game for Christmas as well! Have fun!

Anonymous said...

Sounds like you all had a nice day, that's great.
I had to leave Facebook, I was addicted to that Farm Town app. =D
Have a great weekend!

Linda - Behind My Red Door said...

I gave my neice that game for Christmas and she loves it too. Yummo on the soup!

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