Saturday, January 9, 2010

Melancholic Temperament

For those of you on Facebook, you know all those silly quizzes on there that people take, right? Well I took one this morning to find out what my temperament is and the result kind of creeped me out because it described perfectly, so many things about my personality, better than I could have. It just seemed weird to get this result after only answering a few questions. So I have a Melancholic Temperament. Here is the explanation~

Introspective and reflective, you think about everything and anything. You are a soft-hearted daydreamer. You long for your ideal life. You love silence and solitude. Everyday life is usually too chaotic for you. Given enough time alone, it's easy for you to find inner... peace. You tend to be spiritual, having found your own meaning of life. Wise and patient, you can help people through difficult times. At your worst, you brood and sulk. Your negative thoughts can trap you. You are reserved and withdrawn. This makes it hard to connect to others. You tend to over think small things, making decisions difficult.

Yep, I think too much for sure and I don't like my life to be too chaotic and busy, it stresses me out. I do love silence and I'm happy with having time by myself, though that is probably when I'm thinking too much :-) I am definitely a reserved person and do have trouble being open and connecting to others. I do have a hard time making decisions sometimes because like it says I overthink small things. I'm worried I won't make the right decision. Anyway, I found this interesting. So now you all know more about me!
Oh and you know that Anthropologie coat in this post that I said I wanted so bad? Well, I went to Target last night and saw one very similar to that one and I LOVED it! It was only $39 instead of $160 like the Anthropologie one. I'll post a picture of my cute new coat later just in case you want to see it :-) Hope you all have a wonderful weekend!


Something Nice and Pretty said...

I like solitude to sometimes and I always thought that meant I wasn't afraid to be by myself;0
I also wanted to let you know about this blog that I think you will enjoy...Funky Junk Interiors. blogspot. com I have her in my favs and thought you would enjoy her style of decorating.


Colleen/And Baby Makes Five said...

I sure can relate to that description, Janae! That's pretty much me in a nutshell too.

Have a good weekend...

Sandy, Sisters of Season said...

I can definitely relate to that description. I love being by myself. I love having that meditation time. That the peace (gift) God gives us. Have a nice weekend!

Jody said...

Wow, we must be kindred spirits! That description suited me to a tee also. I have lots of difficulty making decisions, that is why my house still isn't done. I can agonize for months over a paint color. Have a great weekend.

Along My Country Road said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Along My Country Road said...

I didn't mean to leave part of a comment~I had a typo and thought I could delete! :D
I think those FB personality quizzes do seem to get it right alot of the time! I can really relate to decision making, although taking your time to decide is not always a bad thing!

Mandy said...

Oh my goodness! That description is me as well - every word of it!

Kitty said...

wow! i don't have FaceBook, so can't do the quiz, but sounds like I'd be the same: Melancholic Temperament. That one explained me to a T too!
Can't wait to see pics of the new coat!

Alesia said...

I had the same result, and was amazed by the accuracy.

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